The inscription on the metal at once turns the simplest product into an original piece or a trivial gift. To make a clear and indelible inscription, you can use the method of electrochemical engraving. The technique is simple and fast, does not require special knowledge and artistic skills, while giving excellent results. With the help of electrochemical engraving you can transfer any picture on a knife, axe, spatula, or other metal product, having previously printed out from the Internet.
How to find a suitable picture?
The theme of the picture should be determined independently, as well as its specific version. The size of the picture should correspond to the dimensions of the product, which should be taken into account when printing (if you want, you can reduce a copy of the picture during printing or change it in a photo editor).
There are some important requirements for the ready-made picture – it should be:
- black and white;
- with clear edges;
- without swells, gradual transitions;
- high quality.
The picture is printed on special paper that has a coating that resembles wax paper. If you can not find such material, take any substrate from the adhesive film, which is removed before gluing (it also has the necessary coating). As a last resort, a cover from a glossy magazine can be used.
Preparation of the picture
From the prepared sheet of paper cut a piece corresponding to the size of A4 or the one with which the printer works.
For printing, set the maximum clarity function without saving ink. After printing is complete, the edges of the paper are cut off, leaving only the image itself.
Transferring to metal
To translate the picture on the product you will need an iron, which is heated strictly to a temperature of +130 … 150 degrees, no more. While the iron is heating, treat the surface of the metal item with any degreasing solution – alcohol, acetone, solvent.
Afterwards do the following:
- Put a knife or other object on the sole of the iron, let it warm up a little.
- Remove the item from the iron and immediately put the pattern on the selected area, and carefully so it does not smudge.
- Allow the ink to melt well and imprint on the metal.
- Iron the picture with a cotton circle or cloth, but without displacement and strong pressure.
- Remove the object and let it cool, and turn off the iron as well.
- The paper is carefully detached and removed (if necessary, splash it with a little water and only then tear it off).
- All sloppy lines, stains and smudges are removed with alcohol or acetone.
The Main Stage
When the drawing has already been applied to the metal product, you can proceed directly to etching. To protect the surrounding areas, a “barrier” of plasticine is made. It is glued to the surrounding areas so that they are not in contact with the liquid. Etching solution should contain ½ teaspoon of salt for every 50 ml of water.
Prepare a 12 V power supply or a battery. The plus wire is led to a metal surface and taped. Pour solution on top and place in it the minus wire.
Finishing work
After the object is removed from the solution, its surface will become dark – it means that the result is as intended. The plasticine is removed from the metal, and then alcohol or acetone is used to scrub away any ink that is still on the surface. As the metal is cleaned, you can see that the drawing has turned into a beautiful engraving.
Even the smallest details are visible in the picture, so it looks natural and stunning. The quality of the product will be very high, it will immediately become exclusive, drastically different from mass-produced products.